- From Twitter 02-17-2011 http://dlvr.it/GvFkB
- The Now Revolution Comes To Louisville http://dlvr.it/Gwpq4
- Epic Win Of The Day http://dlvr.it/GwtYn
- Margaret Atwood on solar flares and author needs http://dlvr.it/Gwynk
- Is something wrong with Google? http://dlvr.it/Gx2Xy
- Quote of the Day: Permission to Speak Freely? http://dlvr.it/Gx6Pg
- Gawker’s Gulp Moment: Big Redesign Is Driving People Away http://dlvr.it/GxCGt
- A new Thor trailer hits http://dlvr.it/GxHMY
- The Next Generation Of Music Services Need To Go Beyond Replicating The Analog In The Digital World http://dlvr.it/GxMSW
- 10 Literary Novels for Genre Readers http://dlvr.it/GxRZH
- #FF @Nethermind @greendrv @nscottg @richl1 @sfsignal @futurismic @hypersteve @jloehr @kashhill @DavidGallaher @tobiasbuckell @jchutchins
- RT @matociquala: @gregvaneekhout Yeah, I cannot eat anything that plays with toys. Dogs, octopuses, Republicans.
- Lunch? Lunch!!!
- RT @PaulLev: 100+ geeks to follow on Twitter | TechRepublic http://tek.io/hQ9eZO honored to be on this list
- Girls in Spaceships, with a side order of robots please (hat tip @sfsignal) http://dlvr.it/GxXnV
- Yes, Detroit, You Can Have A Robocop Statue http://dlvr.it/GxdNJ
- Watch Star Trek The Animated Series online for free (hat tip Bureau 42 & @sfsignal) http://dlvr.it/GxjGh
- From gatekeepers to enablers http://dlvr.it/Gxlmj
- Facebook’s Silent Change to Your Newsfeed http://dlvr.it/GxqYL
- Firefly returns to cable — in HD [Firefly] http://dlvr.it/Gxtzb
- 100+ geeks to follow on Twitter http://dlvr.it/GxyCT
- Google has a Hunch http://dlvr.it/Gy1gQ
- My various SF Signal podcast appearances http://dlvr.it/Gy4KR
- Leonardo da Vinci’s Resume http://dlvr.it/Gy4nB
- RT @jchutchins: I have been duly corrected that Darth Vader's Star Destroyer was named the EXECUTOR, not the Executioner. I totally knew ...
- Goodbye academia, I get a life. http://dlvr.it/Gy8PT
- I may have just converted an up-and-coming star genre author into an archenemy with the power of my snark. #thisbodespoorly
- Given our current technology and with the proper training, would it be possible for someone to become Batman? - Quora http://dlvr.it/GyGQr
- Rumor quashed: Paley’s pizza place won’t open until after Derby http://dlvr.it/GyJs9
- Dead Baltimore Cop Signed and 'Certified' Red Light Camera Tickets http://dlvr.it/GyMXy
- Alan Dean Foster: conservation may have to grow from the barrel of a gun http://dlvr.it/GyQNQ
- How to design an unbreakable e-mail newsletter template http://dlvr.it/GyT4P

Gawker, heh. Take a look at TR lately?