Every subsequent press release about Tron: Legacy has seemed to be an act of escalating fan service. Techno-synth artists Daft Punk not only composed the movie score, but threw a rave on set during filming. Recognizer battleships, lightcyle races and disc wars have all been updated for 3D appearances in the new movie. Above all, Jeff Bridges reprises his role as Kevin Flynn.
But perhaps the most noteworthy, and apropos, bit of insider geekery surrounding Tron: Legacy involves the sound sourcing for those aforementioned updated gladiatorial arena scenes.
What unusual geek source provided the crowd noise for arena scenes in Tron: Legacy?
The editors from Skywalker Sound, who mixed all the audio for Tron: Legacy, got their crowd noise from the assembled fanboy hoards in Hall H at Comic-Con 2010. Tron: Legacy is the only movie ever to exhibit at 3 consecutive Comic-Cons, and when it made its third appearance, techs were on hand to lead the fans in chants of "Disc Wars!" and "De-Rez!" -- audio which was faithfully captured and used as the basis for similar crowd chants in the Disc Wars scenes in Tron: Legacy.
That's not just some audacious auditory architecture, it's a sonically shrewd sample of the Truly Trivial.

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