Monday, April 27, 2009

My 25 favorite Geekend columns of all time

X-wing fighters, with their s-foils closed, in...Image via Wikipedia
As my previous post indicated, I have recently resigned the longest-running writing gig of my career, authoring Geek Trivia and The Geekend for CBS Interactive. As part of dealing with my separation anxiety--and also to incentivize my former Geekend readers to come check out this blog--I've list my personal Top 25 Geekend columns from my four-year run with the blog. Enjoy.
  1. Sci-fi rant: When did Star Wars jump the shark?
  2. Sci-fi rant: When did Star Trek jump the shark?
  3. Sci-fi rant: When did Trekkers jump the shark?
  4. Spock loves Linux, Vader is a Mac Daddy
  5. Sci-fi rant: Why giant mecha robots are stupid
  6. Where Sci-Fi Channel movies *really* come from...
  7. Idiot sci-fi question: Why did the starship Enterprise have such a stupid bridge?
  8. Idiot sci-fi question: Why do X-Wing fighters
  9. The Top 10 Most Quotable Geek Films...Ever!
  10. Sci-fi rant: What should have happened (but didn't) in Spider-Man 3
  11. The top five sci-fi/fantasy chick flicks
  12. The top 12 sci-fi plot devices geeks love to hate
  13. The Top 12 Comic Book Superweapons
  14. 10 sci-fi technologies that just might happen
  15. Sci-fi and fantasy books that "make you dumb"
  16. The geek movies you're embarrassed you like
  17. No, I didn't watch the "Enterprise" finale
  18. Battlestar Galactica and the "new" sci-fi
  19. Top 10 April Fool's pranks we wish were real
  20. Why 'Star Trek's Prime Directive is stupid'
  21. 50 ubergeeks worth following on Twitter
  22. How much, and how long, would it take NASA to build a Death Star?
  23. 75 words every sci-fi fan should know
  24. Poll: What sci-fi TV series ended in the worst way?
  25. The ultimate trivia Web site
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